Ora Nadrich – TheIFTT.org: What makes you a fearless woman?

What makes me a fearless woman is going towards my fears. Whenever I feel something that challenges me, and either makes me nervous or uncomfortable, I know I have to face it, rather than deny it, or not experience it. I feel that fear can be our greatest teacher, and when we don’t cower from it, but instead, are fully present and open to what our fear has to teach us, some of our greatest learning can happen when we are most afraid. I say that the “sweet spot” is on the other side of difficulty, and if we can be unafraid to move through our fear, we will realize a type of joy and contentment that lets us know we overcame our fear one more time.


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Check Out the Full Interview Here:

Ora Nadrich – TheIFTT.org: What makes you a fearless woman?

by 360 Karma time to read: 1 min